detective agency in delhi

Want To Hire Top Matrimonial Detectives? Reach the First Indian Detective Agency !

The First Indian Detective Agency (FIDA) is a detective services firm of Delhi-NCR, known throughout north India for the excellent services it renders to the community, both proximate and farther away from Delhi-NCR. The top detective agency in Delhi has in its rolls some of the best-trained investigators of India, many of them with years of experience.

Those specialized in matrimonial investigations are respected not only for their knowledge and experience in this genre of investigations but are also valued for their links with matrimonial verification agencies in Delhi, which are themselves manned by investigators. The verification could be pre-matrimonial or post-matrimonial. Verifying the antecedents of bride and bridegroom is a frequent request when families of brides and bridegrooms get in touch with detective agencies.

Most often also part of a background check undertaken by the matrimonial verification agency using the services of detectives whose job it is to dig deep into an individual’s past and present.

Professionals at Work

There are detectives who do pre-matrimonial verifications and there are detective agencies that do comprehensive background verification near me, not to forget those that do pre-marital verifications. Pre- and post-matrimonial verification agencies could also carry out 24/7 shadowing of subjects they are investigating. The top detective agency in Delhi such as First Indian Detective Agency (FIDA) also solves kidnapping and other crimes including cases of fraud and embezzlement. Quite often investigators have to shadow suspects and shadowing does not come easy, it’s an art in itself.

Detective agencies in Delhi do a plethora of verifications before they give a clean certificate — and all this without the subject of the verification getting a whiff of it! The verification involves intense investigations beginning from the birth details of the subject to education profile; whether the subject was involved in what’s called unsavory extra-curricular activities et al. The best matrimonial verification agencies in Delhi are manned by responsible professionals and act with discretion. Lots of successful marriages have to thank matrimonial verification agencies.

Lines of Investigation

At the end of the day the single most important thing for detectives is to get to the bottom of things; if needed scrape the very for shards and traces of truth. When asked to do a pre or post-matrimonial investigation, the detective could go about in a variety of ways; from verifying documents that trace the history of the subject from his/her birth to the route the person takes as he/she climbs the ladder of education through school and college. Talking to the subject’s friends and acquaintances is another line of investigation for the top detective agency in Delhi to gather information. Of course, all statements regarding the subject have to be taken with a pinch of salt because they could be infected with prejudice.

Summing Up

Matrimonial verification agencies such as First Indian Detective Agency (FIDA) may also have to verify the financial standing of the person being investigated before he/she gets the approving nod from the top matrimonial verification agencies in Delhi. And it requires a special kind of skill-sets to dig out financial details and such investigation has to be carried out in a water-tight confidential manner. One whiff of discovery and things could awry to the extent that it might end up in the serious involvement of government law enforcement agencies.

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