Top Adultery Investigation service in India
The First Indian Detective Agency offers top notch Adultery investigation services. We are best professional detective company in India to provide factually accurate and reliable information to people in need of private investigation services. Our detective agency caters to both personal investigation and corporate investigation and helps them unearth information hidden or not accurately or fully disclosed by vested parties by providing crucial evidences.
The First Indian Detective Agency is the best detective agency in Delhi NCR offers professional Adultery investigation services as well as specialized services such as forensic analysis with teams of experienced professional detectives working on it. These private detectives are renowned for scientific and professional investigation services. We use the latest in surveillance equipment and technologies to get to the truth.
Adultery investigation is commonly called as extra-marital investigation in legal terms. Adultery investigation is one of the most sought after service by married couples and those couples who are in a relationship.
Output of a Adultry Investigation in India:
Identity of the culprit involved with your parther: Infidility investigation by First Indian Detective Agency helps in providing the identity of the person with whom your partner is involved. Identity here means, photograph, address, job, contact number, vehicle, marital status, etc.
Evidence of Adultery Investigation: Evidence collected in a loyalty test investigation are used to confront the subject in the family and in the family court. The evidence are primarily in the form of photographs, videos, audios, documents, etc.
Type of extra-marital affairs: Extra-marital investigations helps clients to get insights about the type of relationship his/her partner is indulging in. Is it a casual affair or a deep one? Is it a relationship an old one with a past acquiantance or a new one? Extra-marital investigation also tells if the person is having affair with one person or with multiple person. Infidility investigation in India tells if the person is having affairs with married person or single person or with professionals of opposite or same sex.
Finding out the exact truth about your relationship is far better than living with an uncertainty. When you know things are not going right in your relationship, when you find certain things and acts of your other half fishy, it’s high time you think about it seriously as all these can highly affect your life. Its time you seek some help.
Look over the list below, Adultery investigation if this sounds even remotely familiar, you need to call us today. There is nothing worse than the feeling of suspicion of a loved one, and until you know for sure, such thoughts could take a serious toll on your own happiness as well as the well-being of your relationship..

Test Your Partner’s Loyalty towards You by Adultery Investigation in India
There are times, when problems start arising in your happy relationship. You become doubtful towards the loyalty of your partner owing to certain signs he/she displays, certain character traits which prove that he/she is not much devoted in the relationship. At this point of time, you will need the help of a professional detective agencies, who will help you to answer all your questions, by solving all your doubts regarding your partner’s fidelity. A loyalty check Adultery investigation is the most needed to clear out the doubts about your relationship and also to find out that if your partner has changed his/her loyalty towards you.
Engage FIDA detectives for Adultery Investigation
The FIDA is the renowned Adultery Investigation Company in Delhi and is known as well as highly recognized to offer the loyalty check services for our clients. We do a vigilant check on the loyalty of your partner entirely and also determine how sincere he/she is towards you and your relationship during your absence.